Semester ticket

Ticket options for students

There is no semester ticket at the TU Clausthal. If you want to travel without a car, you can buy monthly the student and trainee ticket of the VRB for 30€. You can find more information on this page:

Alternatively you can buy monthly the Deutschland-Ticket. You can find more information here:


More information about the discussion about the semester ticket in the last years

There is still no semester ticket at the TU Clausthal. A semester ticket can be introduced by ballot. The last vote on this topic was in 2016 and was rejected with 74.5% no votes.

At that time, however, it was already apparent that the VerkehrsLAK would have concluded a more favorable framework agreement towards 2018, which is why a long binding horizon of the vote was waived. The initiative actually came to a conclusion on 01.10.2018 and there is now a nationwide semester ticket.

It is valid for 2nd class regional rail throughout Lower Saxony, with additional travel options to some cities outside Lower Saxony, including Hamburg, Lübeck, Bielefeld, Paderborn, Kassel, Münster and Magdeburg. However, local transport there (such as the HVV in Hamburg) and bus transport in general are excluded.

For our local bus transport, we would have to sign an additional contract with the VRB (Verkehrsverbund Region Braunschweig GmbH). However, we could also do without the nationwide ticket and just get a VRB ticket, there all bus and rail transport in the VRB area would be covered. In addition, there would be the option of purchasing only the statewide semester ticket and not concluding a contract with the VRB. Ultimately, there are three possible models, on which an opinion was sought at the plenary meeting on 16.01.2020. This resulted in:

Model I: Bus and regional train only in the VRB area, 80€ per semester: 34 yes - votes Model II: Bus in the VRB area and regional train in all of Lower Saxony, 161,92€ per semester: 56 yes - votes Model III: Only regional train in all of Lower Saxony, 129,59€ per semester: 9 yes - votes.

Important: A "yes" vote does not mean approval to introduce such a ticket. The question was: ,,Should a semester ticket be introduced, which model would you prefer?" Everyone had three votes (one for each model) and could accordingly vote yes three times or no three times. With 109 participants, the plenary assembly did not have a quorum, which is why this was only a non-binding opinion.

The acceptance of the ticket will definitely be obligatory for almost all students if it is introduced! The statewide Semesterticket has a mature exception policy, such as for vacation semesters and out-of-town internships. This can be read on their page under conditions of carriage.